

中島敦『名人伝』、『山月記』芥川龍之介『藪の中』ニコライ・ゴーゴリ(平井肇訳)『外套』 すべて青空文庫にて。 『名人伝』は2回目、『外套』は3回目、『山月記』は…5回目くらい? 黒澤映画の『羅生門』は2回観ているけれど原作の『藪の中』は初。中島敦は…

As Japan Says Fukushima Disaster "Man-Made & Preventable", Fears Grow for Nuclear Plants

"There are 23 plants in the United States that are essentially identical to all three of the Daiichi plants that blew up. I am of the opinion they should all be shut down. We had a bad design back in the 70s." "The amount of radiation rele…