Kalleberg and Van Buren(1996)

Kalleberg, Arne L. and Mark E. Van Buren, 1996, "Is Bigger Better?: Explaining the Relationship Between Organization Size and Job Rewards," American Sociological Review, 61(1): 47-66.

○収入、福利厚生(fringe benefit)、昇進の可能性、仕事の自律性(autonomy)に対する企業規模(firm size)と事業所規模(establishment size)の影響を検証している論文。



The maxim "bigger is better" is true in the sense that employees of large organizations obtain higher earnings and more fringe benefits and promotion opportunities than do employees in small organizations. On the other hand, "small is beautiful" if a worker desires to exercise autonomy and control over his or her work.


○課題としてbetween organization effectsとwithin organization effectsを分離できていないことなどが挙げられている。