Our key point is not that we object to looking at statistical significance but that comparing statistical significance levels is a bad idea. In making a comparison between two treatments, one should look at the statistical significance of …
In reponse to the widespread abuse and misinterpretation of significance tests of null hypotheses, some editors and authors have strongly discouraged P values. However, null P values still thrive in most journals and are routinely misinter…
研究費使用時のルールの大学ごとの違いについて、4月に職場が変わってからいろいろと感じることになりました。 前の職場→今の職場 伝票提出時は納品書にサイン→伝票提出時は請求書にサイン 消耗品は検収手続き不要→ボールペン1本でも検収手続きが必要 生協で…
Drawing on luck egalitarian approaches, this article suggests that an answer to this question must take into account the effects of unequal brute luck on educational choices.(Voigt 2007: 87) 運の平等主義のアプローチを利用して、この問いに…
Yet, multinomial models are still of limited value in the analysis of educational transitions. They specify multiple and possibly ordered categorical outcomes but do not model the conditional risk of transitions. (Hauser and Andrew 2006: …
However, claiming that discourse has these effects is one thing, empirically proving it is another.(Campbell 2002: 32) しかしながら、言説がこれらの効果を持つと主張することと、それを実証的に示すのは別のことである。 英文を書いていると、どう…
Arpino, Bruno, Gøsta Esping-Andersen, and Léa Pessin. 2015. "How Do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes towards Female Employment Influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis." European Sociological Review 31(3): 370-82. 以前に研究会で読んだ文…