

Stinchcombe, Arthur L., 1997, "On the Virtues of the Old Institutionalism," Annual Review of Sociology, 23: 1-18. うーむ、難しい。 新制度論は、制度が目的を持った人間がつくりあげてゆくものであることを考慮しておらず、デュルケーム的な意味で言…

Death Note (1)(2)

Death Note Black Edition, Vol. 1作者: Tsugumi Ohba,Takeshi Obata出版社/メーカー: VIZ Media LLC発売日: 2010/12/28メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログを見る初期にLの挑発に乗って、リンド・L・テイラーを殺したのが月の最大…

DiPrete et al.(2006)

DiPrete Thomas A. et al., 2006, "Work and Pay in Flexible and Regulated Labor Markets: A Generalized Perspective on Institutional Evolution and Inequality Trends in Europe and the U.S.," Research in Stratification and Mobility, 24(3): 311-…


http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1533-8525.2011.01225.x/abstract Haedicke, Michael A., 2012, "'KEEPING OUR MISSION, CHANGING OUR SYSTEM': Translation and Organizational Change in Natural Foods Co-ops," Sociological Quaterly, 53…

Justice for all Minamata victims

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/ed20120728a1.html Also many of those afflicted hesitate to file the application, fearful of prejudice and discrimination against people who suffer from Minamata disease, a neurological disorder.In view of t…


Rosamond, Ben, 2002, "Plagiarism, Academic Norms and the Governance of the Profession," Politics, 22(3): 167-74. ○盗用行為の"crime"とした場合のいくつかの観点―(1)学術的な基準に達しないのが問題だという観点、(2)学術研究が円滑に機能する上での"…

Gun-control, gun-rights groups ready for renewed debate after Colorado shooting

http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/us/colorado-gun-control-debate/ Spending by the gun lobby in 2011 National Rifle Association: $2,900,000 Gun-control advocates: $240,000 全米最大のロビイング団体と見なされているNRAであるが、銃規制推進団体の10…

フクシマを思うシリーズ5 弁護士 日隅一雄氏

This is an amazing video about the speech of Kazuo Hizumi, who dedicated himself to the inspection and information disclosure on the nuclear disaster. I can't believe this is the man who would pass away from cancer just after two days.

Haan and Uhlendorff(2006)

Haan, Peter and Arne Uhlendorff, 2006, "Estimation of Multinomial Logit Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity Using Maximum Simulated Likelihood," Stata Journal, 6(2): 229-45. ・Halton sequencesとかいうのに基づいたmaximum simulated likeliho…


Campbell, Colin, 2012, "Low-wage Mobility during the Early Career," Research in Stratification and Mobility, 30(2): 175-85. ・low-wageの定義は$12/h ・データはPSID、回答者の若年期5年間

Record-Low 26% in U.S. Favor Handgun Ban (last year's news)

http://www.gallup.com/poll/150341/Record-Low-Favor-Handgun-Ban.aspx Tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado, is again generating debate about the restriction of guns in U.S. Opinion poll by Gallup on October 2011 indicated a record-low approva…


http://www.mynewsjapan.com/reports/1277 全くもって悲惨な話だけれども、背景にはこういった会社を存続させてしまう、ただ安ければよいという消費者の行動も関係しているのではないかと同時に思ってしまう。 "ethical iPhone"の抗議のように、どういった労…

Imai et al.(2011)

Imai, Kosuke, et al., 2011, "Unpacking the Black Box of Causality: Learning about Causal Mechanisms from Experimental and Observational Studies," American Political Science Review, 105(4): 765-89. > distinction between causal effects/mecha…

'Dark Knight Rises' Mass Shooting at Aurora, Colorado Century Theatre for


Jeff Gill, Generalized Linear Models: A Unified Approach.

Generalized Linear Models: A Unified Approach (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)作者: Jeff Gill出版社/メーカー: Sage Publications, Inc発売日: 2000/09/20メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る多くの教科書で…



"Prescription for Change" (ACCJ 2011)

http://accjjournal.com/prescription-for-change/ Single-track Careers Kill InitiativeKurokawa has little doubt that his independence from major institutions is one of the main reasons for his success in influencing Japanese thought. He has …


Royston, Patrick, 2005, "Multiple Imputation of Missing Values: Update," Stata Journal, 5(2): 188-201. iceについて。 miより分かりやすかった。が、オプションは多い。

米がウナギ取引規制検討 価格高騰に拍車も

http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASGM1801I_Y2A710C1EB1000/ Major newspapers say there will be a possible price hike of eels. But as far as I see, they don't mention the fact that the consumption of eels in Japan accounts for approximately…


Western, Bruce, 1998, "Causal Heterogeneity in Comparative Research: A Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling Approach," American Journal of Political Science, 42(4): 1233-59. ベイズの枠組みだけでなく、comparabilityの話も興味深い論文。 WinBUGSを…


http://www.ntv.co.jp/document/news38.htmlこれは素晴らしいドキュメンタリー。 核燃料の再処理と最終処分を中心に。スリーマイルで溶けた核燃料の現在の話が知れた。スリーマイルでは溶けた核燃料は一つで圧力容器にとどまったのに対し、福島では3つで圧力…


I introduced brief summary of this book, in dodgy English.


「東京電力の経営者はですね、従業員にボーナスを出すか出さないかどうかより事業報酬を積めるかどうかの方がぜんぜん大事なんです。」 「従業員をいじめてもしょうがないわけで、東京電力にどうやって責任をとらせるかという問題ですから、むしろしっかりと…

Some recent photos

For those who have read this blog since its early days, I uploaded some recent photos. Please click on the link below. http://www.hidelinks.com/?eq5iun9ffe You need to enter the eight-letter password. Please fill in the blank with the nick…


中島敦『名人伝』、『山月記』芥川龍之介『藪の中』ニコライ・ゴーゴリ(平井肇訳)『外套』 すべて青空文庫にて。 『名人伝』は2回目、『外套』は3回目、『山月記』は…5回目くらい? 黒澤映画の『羅生門』は2回観ているけれど原作の『藪の中』は初。中島敦は…

As Japan Says Fukushima Disaster "Man-Made & Preventable", Fears Grow for Nuclear Plants

"There are 23 plants in the United States that are essentially identical to all three of the Daiichi plants that blew up. I am of the opinion they should all be shut down. We had a bad design back in the 70s." "The amount of radiation rele…