Checchi, Daniele and Herman G. van de Werfhorst. 2018. "Policies, Skills and Earnings: How Educational Inequality Affects Earnings Inequality." Socio-Economic Review 16(1): 137-60. 教育の格差(テスト得点と最終学歴)が所得格差に与える影響を…
Hudik, Marek. 2019. "Two Interpretations of the Rational Choice Theory and the Relevance of Behavioral Critique." Rationality and Society 31(4): 464-89 著者は経済学の先生ですが、社会学における合理的選択理論の位置を考える上でも、非常に勉強…
Bol, Thijs, Christina Ciocca Eller, Herman G. van de Werfhorst, and Thomas A. DiPrete. 2019. "School-to-Work Linkages, Educational Mismatches, and Labor Market Outcomes." American Sociological Review 84(2): 275-307. いやー、ASRの論文は一読…
West, Ann and Rita Nikolai. 2013 "Welfare Regimes and Education Regimes: Equality of Opportunity and Expenditure in the EU (and US)." Journal of Social Policy 42(3): 469-93. 分析は指標の使い方など勉強になったのですが、フランスが大陸ヨーロ…
Austin, Peter C. 2011. "An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies." Multivariate Behavioral Research 46(3): 399-424. 読み直して、気になったところを中心に書き出しました。 自…
Rözer, Jesper and Thijs Bol. 2019. "Labour Market Effects of General and Vocational Education over the Life-Cycle and across Time: Accounting for Age, Period, and Cohort Effects." European Sociological Review 35(5): 701-17. 職業教育の労働…
Brinton, Mary C. and Euncil Oh. 2019. "Babies, Work, or Both? Highly Educated Women’s Employment and Fertility in East Asia." American Journal of Sociology 125(1): 105-40. この論文では、日本と韓国という2つの東アジアの事例において、なぜ高学…
Billari, Francesco C., Nicole Hiekel, and Aart C. Liefbroer. 2019. "The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood." European Sociological Review 35(5): 599-615. 成人期への移行(transition to adulthood)が社会経済的要因…
Prostch, Paula and Heike Solga. 2015. "How Employers Use Signals of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills at Labour Market Entry: Insights from Field Experiments." European Sociological Review 31(5): 521-32. 架空の求職者プロファイルを作成して…