
Hong (2014) "Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan"

Hong, Ijin. 2014. "Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan." Social Policy and Administration 48: 647-65. 来月の研究会用に読んでいます。分析は正直うーん…というところもありますが、研究の蓄積がない分野でとり…

Busemeyer et al. (2011) "Individual Policy Preferences for Vocational versus Academic Education: Microlevel Evidence for the Case of Switzerland"

Busemeyer, Mauris R., Maria A. Cattaneo, and Stefan C. Wolter. 2011. "Individual Policy Preferences for Vocational versus Academic Education: Microlevel Evidence for the Case of Switzerland." Journal of European Social Policy 21: 253-73. …

Welsh (1999) "Gender and Sexual Harassment"

Welsh, Sandy. 1999. "Gender and Sexual Harassment." Annual Review of Sociology 25: 169-90. 最近は、授業や大学組織に関する勉強が結構楽しいですね。今月末には、全学のハラスメント研修というものが初めて行われるらしく、申し込んでみました。「体験…

Kugel (1993) How Professors Develop as Teachers

Kugel, Peter. 1993. "How Professors Develop as Teachers." Studies in Higher Education 18: 315-28. 学生が学ぶ能力を獲得してゆくように、大学教員も教授能力を段階的に発展させてゆくというモデルを提示している論文です。 第1段階(自己):教員は教…

Boice (1990) Procrastination, Busyness, and Bingeing

Boice, Robert. 1990. "Procrastination, Busyness, and Bingeing." Behaviour Research and Therapy 27: 605-11. 研究者が論文を書くこと(というか、むしろ書かないこと)について、多くの業績を出されている先生ですね。1984年には、「なぜ研究者は書かな…

Kundzewicz and Koutsoyiannis (2005) "Editorial—The Peer-review System: Prospects and Challenges"

Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W. and Demetris Koutsoyiannis. 2005. "Editorial—The Peer-review System: Prospects and Challenges." Hydrological Sciences Journal 50: 577-90. ピアレビューの仕組みとして、(1)blind、(2)half-blind、(3)openという、3つ…

Riisgård (2000) "The Peer-review System: Time for Re-assessment?"

Riisgård, Hans Ulrik. 2000. "The Peer-review System: Time for Re-assessment?" Marine Ecology Progress Series 192: 305-13. ぼちぼち査読を引き受けさせていただく機会も生じてきたのですが、まだ経験が浅いので、いろいろとわからないことも多いです…

England and Kilbourne (1990) "Feminist Critiques of the Separative Model of Self: Implications for Rational Choice Theory"

England, Paula and Barbara S. Kilbourne. 1990. "Feminist Critiques of the Separative Model of Self: Implications for Rational Choice Theory." Rationality and Society 2: 156-71. 第一著者のPaula Englandは、昨年のアメリカ社会学会長ですね。労…

McRae (2003) "Constraints and Choices in Mothers' Employment Careers: A Consideration of Hakim's Preference Theory"

McRae, Susan. 2003. "Constraints and Choices in Mothers' Employment Careers: A Consideration of Hakim's Preference Theory." British Journal of Sociology 54: 317-38. Catherine Hakimの選好理論に対する検証と批判を行っている論文です。女性の就…

Hall and Taylor (1996) "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalism"

Hall, Peter and Rosemary C. R. Taylor. 1996. "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalism." Political Studies 44: 936-57. 新制度論(new institutionalism)が、何を意味するのか、他のアプローチと何が異なるのかについては混乱がある。曖…

Zorn (2000) "Modeling Duration Dependence"

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Korpi and Palme (2003) "New Politics and Class Politics in the Context of Austerity and Globalization: Welfare State Regress in 18 Countries"

Korpi, Walter and Joakim Palme. 2003. "New Politics and Class Politics in the Context of Austerity and Globalization: Welfare State Regress in 18 Countries, 1975-95." American Political Science Review 97: 425-46. およそ5年前に研究会で発表…

Goldthorpe (1998) "Rational Action Theory for Sociology"

Goldthorpe, John H. 1998. "Rational Action Theory for Sociology." British Journal of Sociology 49: 167-92. 社会学的な合理的選択理論の特徴や目指す方向性を明らかにするために、合理的選択理論「内」の違いを扱った論文です。ちなみにGoldthorpeは、…

Xie (2005) "Methodological Contradictions of Contemporary Sociology"

Xie, Yu. 2005. "Methodological Contradictions of Contemporary Sociology." Michigan Quarterly Review 44:506-11. ほぼ全訳してみました。論文中に出てくるHorowitzの批判というのは、アメリカ社会学ではけっこう大きな影響を持ったのでしょうか。実証研…

Tsai and Kanomata (2011) "Educational Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunity: Taiwan and Japan"

Tsai, Shu-Ling and Nobuo Kanomata. 2011. "Educational Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunity: Taiwan and Japan." Sociological Theory and Methods 26: 179-95. MMI仮説における「飽和」(saturation)とは、実証的にはどの段階かを確か…

Card (1999) "The Causal Effect of Education on Earnings"

Card, David. 1999. "The Causal Effect of Education on Earnings." Pp. 1801-63 in Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 3, Part A., edited by O. C. Ashenfelter and D. Card. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 今さらながら通して読みました(今…

Fricke (2003) "Culture and Causality: An Anthropological Comment"

Fricke, Tom. 2003. "Culture and Causality: An Anthropological Comment." Population and Development Review 29:470-9. だいぶ前に一度読んだ論文ですが、読みなおしました。すぐに役に立つという類のものではありませんが、興味深いトピックです。 もし…

Veenhoven (2001) "Why Social Policy Needs Subjective Indicators"

Veenhoven, Ruut. 2001. "Why Social Policy Needs Subjective Indicators." Social Indicators Research 58:33-45. 導入 社会指標の研究では、「客観的」アプローチと「主観的」アプローチの間に、長い論争がある。客観的アプローチは、「ハード」な事実、…

Lucas (2001) "Effectively Maintained Inequality: Education Transitions, Track Mobility, and Social Background Effects"

Lucas, Samuel R. 2001. "Effectively Maintained Inequality: Education Transitions, Track Mobility, and Social Background Effects." American Journal of Sociology 106: 1642-90. 読むのは何回目かなのですが、通した理解がきちんとできていませんで…

Brady and Bostic (2015) "Paradoxes of Social Policy: Welfare Transfers, Relative Poverty, and Redistribution Preferences"

Brady, David and Amie Bostic. 2015. “Paradoxes of Social Policy: Welfare Transfers, Relative Poverty, and Redistribution Preferences.” American Sociological Review 80: 268-98.

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Grotenhuis, Manfred Te et al. 2004. "The Method of Purging Applied to Repeated Cross-Sectional Data: Practical Applications Using Logistic and Linear Regression Analysis." Quality and Quantity 38:1-16. 人口学で伝統のあるpurgingについての解…

Wooldridge (2005) "Violating Ignorability of Treatment by Controlling for Too Many Factors."

Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. 2005. "Violating Ignorability of Treatment by Controlling for Too Many Factors." Econometric Theory 21:1026-8. "too many"とタイトルにありますが、議論されているのは処置変数に後続する変数(post-treatment variable)の統…

Buchmann et al. (2008) "Gender Inequalities in Education"

Buchmann, Claudia, Thomas A. DiPrete, and Anne McDaniel. 2008. "Gender Inequalities in Education." Annual Review of Sociology 34:319-37. Yさんから質問をいただいたことと関連する論文だったので、読み返しました。教育のジェンダー不平等に関して…

Clogg (1992) "The Impact of Sociological Methodology on Statistical Methodology"

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Nee (1998) "Sources of the New Institutionalism"

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Holm and Jæger (2011) "Dealing with Selection Bias in Educational Transition Models: The Bivariate Probit Selection Model"

Holm, Anders and Mads Meier Jæger. 2011. "Dealing with Selection Bias in Educational Transition Models: The Bivariate Probit Selection Model." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29: 311-22. Mareによる教育の移行モデルは、異なる…

Kahneman (2003) "A Perspective on Judgement and Choice: Mapping Bounded Rationality"

Kahneman, Daniel. 2003. "A Perspective on Judgement and Choice: Mapping Bounded Rationality." American Psychologist 58:697-720. Daniel Kahnemanのノーベル賞受賞講演をもとにした論文です。 ・プロスペクト理論の中心的なアイディアについて、value…


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Williamson (1993) "Contested Exchange Versus the Governance of Contractual Relations"

Williamson, Oliver E. 1993. "Contested Exchange Versus the Governance of Contractual Relations." Journal of Economic Perspectives 7:103-8. Samuel BowlesとHerbert Gintisの1993年の論文に対する、Williamsonからのコメントです。完全情報・完全競…

Elwert and Winship(2010)"Effect Heterogeneity and Bias in Main-Effects-Only Regression Models"

Elwert, Felix and Christopher Winship. 2010. "Effect Heterogeneity and Bias in Main-Effects-Only Regression Models." Rina Dechter et al. eds. Heuristics, Probability and Causality: A Tribute to Judea Pearl. College Publications. UK, 327-36…